Hullo From Germany

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Hullo From Germany

Post by merlyn »

Introductions, always so hard but here goes.

Hi my name is Fiona
I am Scottish - Canadian and live in Germany.
I have been a Star Wars fan ever since the film came out ( yes I knew life before Star wars) and have been active in various online clubs and home projects ( such as a 3 book "fan" fiction) and art works ever since. I stepped into the costuming arena a bit late so my husband and I joined the 501st only a few years back with much help from the Swiss Garrison ( at the time we lived in CH) and have been slowly but surely increasing activity as we go. With Celebrations Europe in Essen Germany next year the need for new costumes has increased and Snow trooper is my next one. So Hi.
I keep a costume blog here and right now the big project is my husband's officer uniform ( long term wish from him)

I look forward to meeting you all if not in real life then certainly in the virtual.

and there's the fanfiction...
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Re: Hullo From Germany

Post by joukov »

Hi, Fiona!

Good to see you here too! :)

Nordic Garrison
Jouko Väänänen, TS-7858
Nordic Garrison
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